With my house firmly in production I have shifted to the thought of moving and all that entails. The thing I dislike most about moving is the disorientation- not knowing where stuff is. I’ve been given a go ahead for a storage unit on site, so I can begin to take things there. The property is 2 ½ hours one way from where I am now.
My personal and business articles are in a garage here . We moved my personal items first and the business items came a few months later so unfortunately they are mostly blocking my personal things. But, its primarily the business items going into the storage so I can start there and carve a path to the rest. I have one of those tall wire shelving units , so it makes sense to set that up in the storage and then load what fits, onto the shelves. I have boxes of chocolate molds, items for conducting chocolate tastings, some packaging and printer labels. Sheet pans, canvas photos and small equipment- grinders, a cocoa bean roaster, a heavy duty food processor. Larger things include a rack for sheet pans, a wine cooler, and a 6’ steel table and tempering machine. Not sure yet how I’ll get the heavier items loaded and delivered. There’s no strong help here and with osteoporosis I need to be careful what I lift. I asked for a professional quote to move and it was $1500 due to the distance. Financially that’s just impossible right now. The good thing is I don’t have a specific date I need to get my things out, so I can figure it out. Maybe one of my friends will visit and I can do a U haul run for whatever is left.
I don’t own much furniture and what I do have is pretty light. I’ll be ordering a sleeper sofa which won’t get delivered til end of April. I’ll be sleeping on an air bed initially. It will all get worked out in time. Lots of little things to do like installing towel racks, a backsplash in the kitchen and painting the wall where the electric fireplace will go.
I’ll be receiving an official address next week which will then allow me to set up accounts with the electric and propane companies and get a trash service. The house will only take a couple days to get sited and connected, but I have to have steps built and skirt the bottom. The usual guy that does that is having surgery or something, so I’ll need to find someone else. The property owners, Brian and Casey, are wonderful and committed to facilitating smooth move in’s for everyone. They are real estate agents so have access to people with different skills. It doesn’t really matter if it takes a little while to get settled. The important thing is I have a place to live! I’m looking forward to a busy spring and getting to know a new area. Making new friends, getting to work more, exploring farmers markets and hopefully back to some chocolate.
Of course I will miss the place I’m at and the people I’ve become close to. That’s been a recurring part of life for me considering how often I’ve had to move- I can’t tell you how many rentals I’ve lived in that I had to move because the landlord sold the house. Looking forward to more stability that’s for certain!
If you are a personal friend reading this, please plan a visit! Come check out my tiny house and this gorgeous area of Texas. We are 38 miles from Austin, 12 miles to Georgetown, less than an hour to dozens of wineries and surrounded with wildflowers ,lakes and rivers accessible for swimming, fishing or kayaks.
